2019 Top 10 Wireless Consulting/Services Company!
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Sky-Packets designs, builds and maintains some of the largest municipal wireless networks in the world. Using only the latest and most superior technologies in the field, we'll improve your Wi-Fi experience, guaranteed.
Sky Packets provides a unique perspective blending technology, public spaces and urban design . With over 30 WIFI deployments for business improvement districts across North America, Sky Packets is your go to market partners for WIFI and other technologies that can impact your BID.
Property WiFi:
With WiFi ranking as the #1 must have amenity, it has become just as important as water or electricity for your property to have a reliable WiFi service. Simple put, more than any other service, apartment residents want fast, reliable wireless internet. Residents don't want to be limited to their apartment - they want to be connected everywhere in their apartments , outside, in the gym, by the pool and common areas.
Retail WiFi:
WiFi for retail. Speak to your customers as they are shopping - let them market for you! When you provide your customers with in-store WiFi you are giving them an avenue to promote your business. You want your customers to "Check-in" at your store on Facebook, "Pinterest" your coolest items and "Tweet" your sales and promotions.
Event WiFi :
Every event, concert or marketing campaign is task with creating and engaging a new customer base. Sky Packets WiFi marketing solution gives brands the opportunity to see the real world impact of outdoors and indoors campaign initiatives. Customers login to WiFi witch social media or email and automatically enroll in your custom loyalty program or marketing campaign. No downloads, no apps, no key cards, Just have them login and send them intelligent rewards and offers making the customers acquisition process frictionless.