Sky-Packets and LQD WiFi Partner to Bridge Digital Divide
Friday, october 22, 2014
In continued efforts to bridge the digital divide, Sky-Packets today announced its partnership with LQD WiFi.
Sky-Packets, a division of Corporate Biznis, Inc., the premier provider of hardware and networking support for high speed WiFi services in nearly 30 unique neighborhoods, formed a partnership with LQD WiFi, a newly created social technology and communications company with strong ties to Google, Skype and Microsoft. Together, the two companies aim to build upon the concept of providing free high-speed WiFi to communities and individuals that currently lack the resources. The partnership will advance the companies’ ability to provide municipalities their new, next-generation communication platform.
“This partnership strengthens our goals to create accessible, redundant, reliable and resilient WiFi in communities that need it most,” said Henry Quintin, founder and CEO of Sky-Packets. Quintin added, “Since we started in 2008, we are quickly becoming one of the fastest growing WiFi providers, with over 125 Public Access Networks.”
Sky-Packets successfully creates and maintains affordable high speed WiFi service, enabling more active and programmed open spaces, greater user mobility, and ease of access and collaboration among participants. Most recently, Sky-Packets created two of the largest continuous WiFi networks in New York City, including a network in Harlem through a partnership with the Harlem Children’s Zone and the City of New York to bring internet access to over 80,000 individuals of which 13,000 reside in public housing. In Chelsea, Sky-Packets partnered with Google and the Chelsea Improvement Company to create another large continuous WiFi network serving over 1,000 public housing residents in addition to new and expanded public spaces and development. In Washington D.C., Sky-Packets partnered with the NOMA Business Improvement District to create D.C.’s first free WiFi neighborhood to encourage creativity and collaboration among the district’s residents, visitors and employees.
“Sky-Packets and LQD WiFi have created a strategic alliance that will combine their technology, expertise and geographic footprint to address the expanding opportunity to make internet access a 21st century utility,” said Randy Ramusack, founder and CEO of LQD WiFi.
LQD WiFi is a developer of Smart Cities and ubiquitous WiFi, providing cities with new outdoor hubs of social technology to engage and provide vital services to residents and visitors. LQD WiFi creates more connected, educated and safer communities by boosting economic activity and providing greater access to the WiFi in the public realm. LQD WiFi believes that everyone should be enabled to surf freely.
Friday, august 26,2016
Sky-Packets, a division of Corporate Biznis, Inc., the premier provider of high speed Free WiFi services in nearly 30 unique neighborhoods, formed a partnership with LQD WiFi, a newly created social technology and communications company. Together, the two companies can leverage each others expertise in marketing, deployment and maintenance expertise to provide municipalities with their new, next-generation digital communication platform.